A tangram square
Logo: the tapir
software development


How to head for solutions


Some prolific discossion

If you decide to approach tapirdata, I'll be glad to have some meeting arranged (at your place, at my office or in one of these nice cafés around). To approach a proper solution, we need to find answers to a couple of basic questions:

  • What are the goals to achieve? Is there a workflow to be improved or must it be coined from scratch?
  • What does your existent setup (if any) consist of? What should be kept? What must thrown away?
  • What kind of collaboration with existing hard- and software is required?
  • What kind are the groups of people that are assumed to interact with your software?
  • What can you tell me about your project's schedule? Can your think of a gradually approach to the desired complete solution?


Some eager working

As soon as your requirements are set, I can state my understanding of the tasks to be dealed with. If we can come to an agreement about a promising approach – and my cost estimate looks reasonable to you – I will start to transpose that draft into technical matter – from overall architecture down to implementation details. Since I account myself a follower of agile methods ( →Manifesto for Agile Software Development), this development process will turn out to be an interactive one: As I will constantly present my progress to you, your vital feedback can steadily adjust the route of my work. Thus you can rely on getting just that product which meets your very needs.

As far as possible, I will strive for platform neutral solutions. To build up future-proof software I prefer the use of open source tools and components. They get us lot of advantages:

  • They will exhibit less security flaws due to the extensive observation as well as due transparant and prompt handling of issues.
  • They will hardly contain any hiddden, malicious mechanisms to spy out your valuable data.
  • They will provide excellent interoperability due to a high level of compliance with standards.
  • They will never just vanish because of some vendor's act of caprice – Even in the unlikly case of getting abadoned you can still mandate someone to do some fixing or improvement.
  • They will save you license costings, too.

If you are interested in technical details, you may like to take a look in my – steadily evolving – toolbox. Here is a selection of its well-tried assembly that facilitates my development work:

  • C, C++ for embedded systems and to meet that very time critical requirements
  • Python with various frameworks for brisk desktop and web applications
  • ECMAScript (Javascript) for powerful web and mobile applications
  • PostgreSQL as a reliable relational database
  • MongoDB, Redis as flexible NoSQL databases